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Hi, my name is Ellie and I am the founder of Life Begins. I just wanted to give you a brief insight into how, and why, we came to be.
After leaving a 15 year stint in corporate marketing a few years ago, I decided to retrain as a positive birth instructor. As I watched my ladies transform their mindsets around giving birth I became fascinated with the power of the mind and decided to expand my training further. I studied clinical hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and CBT before becoming a certified life coach.
My goal was to coach and support stressed- and burnt-out mammas, just like me! You see, back then, I thought that every woman must be feeling the same amount of intense pressure, sense of failure and overwhelming emotions, that I was experiencing on a daily basis.
A year later I got my diagnosis and my world changed completely. I've heard people talk about their life in two parts (pre/post) and I am definitely one of them.
For the first time ever, I understood why my entire existence had felt so alien to me, whilst appearing to come so naturally to others. It was such a relief to know my struggle was real.
I wanted to know everything about this condition and felt compelled to meet others who shared this experience with me. The more I learnt the more peace I found, and I was finding instant connection with people who were, to all intense and purposes, strangers. Yet, for the first time ever I actually felt like I belonged.
I've been a people watcher since childhood, observing those around me closely...whilst looking for clues. Hints and tips on how to do this 'life' thing. I would find myself staring in disbelief at how easy they made it look, waiting for someone to tap me on the shoulder and announce to everyone "She's not one of us, she shouldn't be here". whilst secretly hoping for someone to see me and whisper "I know, I wonder how they do it to"... but no-one ever had ...until this point.
Today, I'm driven to help other people understand, accept and embrace their own “ADHD uniqueness” and be supported by those who understand.
And I'm pleased to say I don't watch life anymore... I proudly live it.
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